与philip Lam探讨LMS选择的艺术与科学


Selecting the right learning management system for your company is about finding the partner who shares your 学习愿景. 但是有成百上千的LMS供应商. 你怎么知道谁会真正与你合作? 谁对解决企业面临的挑战感到兴奋 创造新的东西?

没有人比我更适合回答这些问题了 菲利普·林,艾伦公司人力发展主管. 我亲身体验过菲利普的工作. His commitment to data 和 user needs, combined with limitless ambition for L&D,导致未来的技术决策. 我和他讨论了如何找到消费级的学习技术, 如何使用数据来做决定, 伙伴关系到底是什么?


Rita: You’ve said that it’s just as important to choose a product based on user experience 和 the talent of the team - why is that?

菲利普: 主要有两个原因. The first is that we’re all used to amazing tech at home, 和 have old-school technology at work.

对我来说, the software we engage with at work should meet the st和ard we are used to at home. 当我看到今天在学习技术中可用的东西, 我经常发现我对所提供的东西不满意. I want to know that an LMS provider is providing the best possible software for today, 并将在未来继续跟上消费级标准.

其次,购买学习解决方案很像雇人. 当你招聘的时候,你有一个商业需求. 所以你寻找一个人的特定侧写. You write specific job requirements that you want this person to be responsible for. 你现在考虑工作需要什么. 但你也必须为这个人的工作将如何发展做好准备. So, you look at their personality, their intelligence, 和 other attributes. You have to bet that each person will be able to tackle problems 和 uncertainty. 你赌的是天赋.

技术提供商也是如此. 我想和和我有共同价值观的公司合作. 我想要一个能在我不擅长的领域与我互补的伴侣. 然后我们就可以一起努力,建立一个这样的东西 改变行业. You should pick a company who is excited to develop their LMS software to grow 和 adapt to your future needs.


Rita: At what point in the LMS selection process should you talk with your customers? 我说的顾客是指学习者.

菲利普: 我把它翻过来. 我将LMS实现的需求作为解决问题的机会 实际业务问题. 我把我的项目和另一个小组正在进行的项目联系在一起.

例如, at a previous company, we needed a better way to onboard Engineers. 与他们的团队合作意味着,作为L&D, we were getting an immediate response from Engineering 和 from HR on how they found a learning system – did they like the platform? 有帮助吗?? 很愉快吗?? LMS功能与他们的工作相关吗?

想象一下,让人力资源部的某个人回复我的请求“嘿! 假设,你觉得这个平台对入职有用吗?’. 很有可能你的HR同事已经满负荷工作了. Think about it from their point of view: your request puts the burden of additional work on them; it is a thought experiment that is not integrating into their daily work. 这并不能消除他们的痛苦.

结合 实际业务问题 用LMS飞行员告诉大家,L&D是业务不可分割的一部分. To use the example of HR 和 Engineering: say you have an LMS that you want to demo. 当新工程师入职时,为人力资源部门建立一个可以使用的入职途径. 这种方式, 你可以了解HR对这个平台的看法, 除了让他们的生活更轻松. 你不是在要求他们增加工作量.

如果你这样做, testing the learning platform becomes part of your colleague’s priorities because it addresses problems they are having now. 这将是学习者参与程度的准确反映.

在你列出一个很好的候选名单之后 潜在的LMS提供商包括你的客户. 就这么简单.


丽塔:你是数据驱动决策的忠实拥护者. 你能告诉我们你是如何让员工测试你的平台的吗, 以及为什么这会导致更可靠的选择?

菲利普: 要选择LMS,你需要知道员工对它的真实感受. 在艾伦, we wanted to know if our choice of platform would make a significant difference in user experience. So we ran an A/B test, which involved creating a training course in two different LMS systems. 其中之一就是萨那.

We asked questions such as, ‘If you were to review the tool, what rating would you give it?’, ‘Would you recommend this tool to a friend’, 和 ‘How intuitive did you find the tool?“我们还询问了人们是否觉得这个工具令人愉快. Sounds like a strange question, but we want to work with consumer-grade tech that people love.

我们还想创造一种协作学习的文化. This question allowed our users to tell us which tools they found delightful. 如果一个工具使用起来令人愉快, 当你试图建立这种新的学习文化时,这是一个很大的优势. And the question showed that one platform was consistently rated higher by course content creators.

我们对学习者采取了不同的方法. 我们没有问他们对培训内容的看法. We asked them if they found the training good, 和 how engaging they found it.

We used the same content, the same pictures, 和 the same text in both LMSs. 我们所有的学习者都喜欢 萨那.


丽塔:好了,现在我们知道为什么数据很重要了. Can you tell me more about what partnerability is 和 why it is so important to you?

菲利普: Partnerability means how well an LMS provider will work with my company to solve our problems. 这很重要,因为我需要知道我们的成功对他们有多重要, 我们对他们的产品路线图有多少发言权.

We’ve agreed that choosing a provider is like hiring a new employee: you bet on talent. 对于潜在的供应商也是一样:他们的员工有多有才华? This matters because it affects the speed at which the provider can build amazing products 和 how quickly they can hire other talented people. This is, in my opinion, directly related to how talented 和 hard working the team is.

如果有一个领域的供应商是有点缺乏-说, 例如, their analytics page isn't good enough – ask the provider if they can build it. 构建新的集成不是问题, 但重建一个技术堆栈要困难得多, 或者完全改变用户体验.

当我们看到改进的空间时,我们希望有人倾听我们的意见. 例如, 在艾伦, we need to track hours per person because it’s required from a regulatory perspective. 这并不是对每个人都很重要,但这个功能会让我们 法律上的. We expect our partner to have an honest conversation with us, 和 that we’re on their roadmap.

最后,我们需要找到一个和我们有共同价值观的伙伴. 在Alan,我们高度关注客户体验. 我们需要一个供应商谁将继续优化他们的用户体验 得到客户的喜爱. 以那种方式, 我们的使命得到了合作伙伴的支持和分享, 让我们忠于自己的价值观.

A provider filled with talented people 和 a shared culture of improvement is a great fit.


丽塔:你认为产品优先的供应商是最好的供应商. 这是为什么?? 如何判断供应商是否真正以产品为中心?

菲利普: ​​ I believe in product-first companies because they genuinely care about what customers say. 如果产品不工作,他们会把它“回滚”. 他们想要改进它.

You can tell when a provider is truly product-focused by meeting their product people. 他们的首要任务是注意批评. Even if they can't do anything about it, they have to know about it because they care. 很明显, 企业中的每一个人都在努力确保更多的销售, 但是产品优先的提供商关心的是细节. 他们对这个讨论很感兴趣.

Some product people are happy meeting with us; others aren't. Product teams who really care about customer feedback think it's a privilege to talk to a potential customer, 或者一个真正的客户. 他们会记下一切的.



菲利普: 路线图向我展示了公司的发展方向. 作为潜在的合作伙伴, seeing the roadmap provides a better underst和ing of the vendor’s vision 和 their values. 它会告诉你他们优先考虑什么.

产品将以一种你无法预测的方式发展. 对我来说, it’s important to believe that our company will be aligned with the changes because we believe in the same things right now. So it's natural that they will take the product to a place you also believe in.

It’s about the honest 和 open conversation I can have with a potential partner. 我想知道我们将如何合作来挑战这个行业.

在萨那,当我们与一家公司合作时,这不仅仅是一笔交易. We’re betting that this company will challenge us to 创造新的东西. Alan就是其中一家公司. I’m grateful to Filip for his time 和 insights—they push us 和 the entire L&D社区前进.


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