Reimagining training for compliance

How Svea太阳能’s 基督教Ehrenstrahle ensures fieldwork safety at scale

Strategic Learning Partner Manager

Svea太阳能’s mission is to lead a global power shift by providing a smart, 创新, 和 accessible solar solution to sustainable living. 他们的太阳能解决方案使消费者很容易摆脱过去的化石燃料.

员工越多 Svea太阳能 can hire, the faster the transition. 但是,当10个新安装团队中有9个没有经验时,你如何提高跨国员工的技能呢? And what if those people prefer a job where it's less desktop, more rooftop?

These are just some of the important questions that 基督教Ehrenstrahle 他在Svea太阳能担任全球学习和发展主管的角色是正面的. 我和克里斯蒂安坐下来讨论了混合学习在依从性培训中的作用, the relationship between learning 和 career development, 和 how Svea太阳能 is growing a safe, 熟练的, 忠诚的员工.


在Svea太阳能,每个在现场工作的员工都需要知道他们的安全是我们的首要任务. That includes our Installers, Team Leaders, 和 Electricians. 无论他们在哪里,他们都应该得到同样的知识、培训和支持. 我们通过将安装团队的入职正式化为一个月的时间来实现这一目标, 标准化培训方案. 一个月可能听起来很多, 但我们的行业是竞争激烈的:如果我们不能有效地支持我们的员工, 我们冒着高流失率的风险.

今天,我们的安装团队的入职培训计划在3个市场运行. Sweden is our biggest market; our Installation Teams eNPS ratings have gone from zero to +24 during 2022.

What does our st和ardized onboarding look like? 让我们以安装程序为例. These are the people who are up on customer’s roofs. 从一开始,他们就知道如何安全正确地工作是至关重要的.

Here’s how we help our Installers to learn the Svea太阳能 way:

Svea太阳能’s compliance onboarding schedule

No matter what team a new Installer joins, no matter what country they are in, they each have access to the same knowledge 和 training. Everyone’s access is equal 和 the quality is consistent.


Engaging large groups of new hires in safety compliance can be challenging. Add in the variables of different languages, 不同的安全法例, 平均年龄20-30岁, 喜欢积极工作的人, 和 who aren’t office based – there are a lot of needs to consider.

让我们的培训更有吸引力, we use a three-step process: role specific courses in Sana, 在职学习, 和 h和s-on IRL learning at the training center. The transition from theory to practice creates an 引人入胜的学习经历 that consolidates our employee’s knowledge.

Let’s take the example of working with heights. 当任何安装人员在高于2米的结构上工作时,他们的安全都有风险. We make it easy for our new hires to be safe, 和 in compliance. 方法如下:

Svea太阳能’s 3-step blended learning approach

Role specific compliance training courses - in Sana

所有新员工从第一天起就知道如何安全工作,这一点至关重要. 萨那使这一切成为可能. We 强化学习 通过使用投票和测验等互动功能来测试诸如“你需要使用多高的保护”之类的场景?”, or, “Which fall protection can you use?” Here, every Installer’s experience is different because Sana的大发体育在线首页 adapts the course to each person’s knowledge level.




Here we reinforce statutory requirements in real life. 安装人员在物理环境中重复他们通过数字和交互式学习学到的步骤. 这些实践课程是我们确保安装人员能够正确安全地在屋顶上工作的地方. 他们还教安装人员Svea太阳能的工作方式,我们如何安装面板,以及我们的标准.

At Svea太阳能, we’re constantly reinforcing safety training. The h和s-on learnings reinforce the digital learnings. And with all the digital learnings in Sana, 每个学习者都可以随时获得最新的安全知识, 参加进修课程. 这是一个良性循环.

Blended learning, safer learning

参观Svea太阳能培训中心是我们入职经历中最难忘的部分之一. 今天,我们有三个中心——一个在瑞典,一个在西班牙,还有一个在德国的临时中心. As we grow, more centers will be created. 想想:巨大的衣架, 真实尺寸的测试屋顶, 高的脚手架, 和 lots of equipment for our Installers to get familiar with. 这是一种身临其境的体验,让我们的安装人员有机会学习如何安全工作. 这对我们很重要, 因为10个新安装人员中有9个之前没有安装太阳能电池板的经验. 我们必须彻底.

我们教安装人员的第一件事是如何根据属性进行全面的风险分析, 的位置, 还有天气. After all, the Installer’s workplace is a customer’s house. And every house is completely different, with different risks. 比如天气. 我们的许多装置都发生在北欧,那里经常刮风、下雪和下雨. 教人们如何在受控条件下操作安全设备是很重要的. 安装人员第一次使用安全带的经验应该总是在安全的环境中进行-我们需要嵌入安全的知识, 甚至是它的感觉. “我的背带合适吗??、“这些索具看起来安全吗??”. We answer these questions at the training center.

Next, we teach the Installer about personal safety. Everyone learns personal fall protection while fully roped 和 harnessed, 在保险箱里, 控制设置. 每个人都接受过全面的心肺复苏术培训,学习如何帮助那些被绳子吊住的人. 每个人都知道和实践如何建立脚手架安全,有效.

每个安装程序都应该学习如何识别何时可能无法安全工作. This both helps people to be confident in raising concerns. It also helps them to underst和 their colleague’s concerns. 通过培训中心的经验,我们的安装人员知道如何主动和被动. They’ve bonded as a group by learning 和 socializing with each other. And that adds to the employee experience, too.

Reinforcing safety while building bonds

Onboarding is about more than acquiring new knowledge. It’s also about connecting with your new 同事与公司文化. At Svea太阳能, we try to combine the two through group activities.

Take our installation tests at the training center. One exercise is to install panels on a test roof. We split the Installers into two teams, 和 leave them to it (under supervision, 以确保每个人的安全). 当然, 两支球队都想赢——良性竞争会带来正能量, 信任, 和连接. These bonds are important for increasing safety, 而且,当你信任别人时,更容易让他们对良好的行为负责.

除了创建连接之外,我们还使用这些组测试来加强安全最佳实践. 当团队完成他们的任务时,我们会问他们——这个安装需要多长时间? More or less every time, their answer is wrong. The teams both completed the task more quickly than they expected. 为什么? 因为,当团队以Svea太阳能的方式工作时,安装时间大大缩短. Our way teaches Installers a workflow that is safe, 和 effective. By asking our Installers what they think, 和 showing them how much quicker their work can be, everyone learns that the safe methods are also the effective methods. 这是双赢.

Sharing knowledge, retaining talent

我们对学习和知识分享的重视有助于我们留住优秀人才. I’ve seen people move quickly from Installer, to Team Leader, to Hub Manager. We're such a fast growing 和 moving company – if somebody has the ambition, there are lots of opportunities to grow with Svea太阳能, 并承担新的角色.

学习是我们比那些没有相同资源的小公司拥有的竞争优势. 所以这真的很重要 吸引新员工“随着我们的成长而成长。.“这样我们才能留住员工,尤其是那些喜欢做体力活的人。.

Delivering an onboarding that’s legally compliant, 在许多国家, 和 for people who’d rather not sit at a desk? 这是一个巨大的挑战.

但是当我们以人们的学习需求为中心,让用户体验更直观时? That’s when we bring learning to life, 确保每个人都在为实现我们的使命而努力——让地球摆脱化石燃料.


Compliance is more than risk management. Sana帮助您将年度合规计划转变为实际的行为改变.

























